Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Pin Head's Packaging from Hell

I am not one who likes to admit failure. Sure, there have been times in my life where things haven't gone the way I planned... like the time I was captured behind enemy lines in Plano, TX and threatened with exposure to pickup truck exhaust unless I told them the secret recipe for ice... but I mean few things have really challenged my outlook on life.
And then I met that most impenetrable of packaging, the dreaded Sealed Plastic with Toy Enclosed (SPiTE, if you will).
You see, such packaging is designed with only one purpose. Destroy mankind. I'm fairly certain that, left alone, this type of packaging would send out a beacon for its own kind and unite an army of plastic ogres so tough that no material known to man could defeat it. It's like the orcs in Lord of the Rings, only instead of them being killed by my wicked sword, my blade is broken into millions of little shards and the orcs laugh and laugh and laugh and then they lash out and kill me in one sweet stroke of antagonistic loathing.
I've tried everything -- scissors, knives (Exacto and the other kind), daggers, knives, guns (rifles and small arms), mortars, tanks, and even a dirty bomb I landed my hands on during a nice stroll through the neighborhood park (who left this here?!?!?!). Nothing works.
Even if I were capable of defeating SPiTE's brutal exterior, inside lurks its evil minions, The Gray Twisty Ties of Death. These thin bastions of the Dark Lord slice and dice fingers and hands like Richard Simmons with a salad shooter. Proof positive that Satan is rising from the depths of Hell and gearing up for all out war.
I long for The Simpler Life. Where toys came in simple packaging you simply ripped up and threw in the garbage. Where the toys themselves were the dangerous items, painted with lead and containing small plutonium cores that cause odd growths on your undercarriage. Where getting hurt while opening up your present was not a humiliating act that destroys you mentally and physically.
--- Dantelope @ ouch-ouch-OUCH!
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I know what happened... You found the Secret Santa Stash, didn't you? And then you opened all your presents before Christmas morning. Shame, shame shame. To avoid this in the future you need to find the SSS. Now the next part is important - only look. Do not touch or Santa will not be happy.
Better luck next year. Enjoy your lump of coal.
Better luck next year. Enjoy your lump of coal.
As the token Jew on the internet, I'm used to Santa not being happy with me. And many relatives are familiar with being lumps of coal...
Thanks so much.
Thanks so much.
Dear Dan,
Might I suggest a valium? Or maybe a 5th of Jack? Calm down. You forget that you have 2 evil geniuses that can probably have it opened in 5 seconds. Let them have a crack at it. I remember when I was a kid I got the Barbie Corvette for Christmas one year. My father spent what seemed like an eternity trying to free the car of it's cardboard chamber of death. It had so many of those stupid wire ties he finally got his knife out and started slashing at it. Ah, memories…That was the year I learned quite a few expletives. Now that I have my own child I will be sure to pass on such a warm tradition (sans the knife). : )
Might I suggest a valium? Or maybe a 5th of Jack? Calm down. You forget that you have 2 evil geniuses that can probably have it opened in 5 seconds. Let them have a crack at it. I remember when I was a kid I got the Barbie Corvette for Christmas one year. My father spent what seemed like an eternity trying to free the car of it's cardboard chamber of death. It had so many of those stupid wire ties he finally got his knife out and started slashing at it. Ah, memories…That was the year I learned quite a few expletives. Now that I have my own child I will be sure to pass on such a warm tradition (sans the knife). : )
Whilst I would truly enjoy valium and Jack, you should know that kids have even less patience than parents. It is not a matter of physical prowess, but rather the pushing onward even after 20 minutes of painstaking tie removal, all the while bleeding on the floor from cuts incurred during package slicing.
First Born had a crack recently at Packaging from Hell. Contrary to your beliefs, he was engulfed in the flaming rage that only packaging like this can produce in less than 3 minutes.
I haven't taught him expletives yet... but he knows a lot about first aid!
First Born had a crack recently at Packaging from Hell. Contrary to your beliefs, he was engulfed in the flaming rage that only packaging like this can produce in less than 3 minutes.
I haven't taught him expletives yet... but he knows a lot about first aid!
Dan, I was watching TV last night and thought of you. Reason 1) Sasha Cohen was on CSI:NY and 2) I saw a commercial for Black & Decker’s electric scissors. There is this kid staring at his mother that is fighting with a toy trying to free from its plastic prison and suddenly they flash to the scissors. It was great.
That's awesome, laney. Now if only there were a way to cut Sasha to fall... on... the... scissors...
Ohhhh nooooo I dinnit!!!!!
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Ohhhh nooooo I dinnit!!!!!
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