Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Why, God, Why?

A friend of mine recently theorized to me that entertainment as an industry was a giant scheme by The Man to keep the Little People from thinking about religion.

With that, I present... Proof That There (is / is not) a God:

---- Dantelope @ Aaaarrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

It’s a cruel, cruel word. We watched 24 and will watch Heros tonight. Ah Yes, TiVo…There is a God.

You HAVE TO watch American Idol tonight. It’s the Memphis episode and they gave a lot of golden tickets out here. I almost went to try out, but I was like 8 months pregnant and I thought it would be a bad idea to subject myself to the heat and the humiliation of it. Simon would have called me a pregnant bush baby. Then Rosie O’Donnell would have come to my defense. Then I would have been on The View. Then she would ask me out and I would have to turn her down cause I don’t like brunettes. And then things would get weird.
Hey kid, what's your name?

Sundance Head?

No, really.


You totally should have gone out for the auditions, Laney.

I, for one, would need a reason as great as that to watch The View.
Hey, his name may be Sundance, but tha man can sang! My only suggestion to him would be to remove that dead animal from his chest, or was that his real chest hair? I thought maybe he had a bush baby tucked away in his shirt. I was scared for him. : )

Poor Rosie, she’ll never know what she’s missing. But I’m too cute for her anyway. Not to mention she is way too butch. Now Ellen… maybe. She is more my type.
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