Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Fall of Heroes

Growing up, I used to think it couldn't get any better. On a cold but bright sunny day in Michigan, my mother went into the store to get something, and I remember listening to the radio. Michael Jackson's Billie Jean was playing and I swore to myself, "it just can't get any better!" As if music had reached the pinnacle of creation and was destined to a downward spiral of filth and plagarized material.
I guess, depending on how you feel about the 90's and 2k's, I may have been right. Alas, I digress.
It's true that I idolized a number of entertainers. Singers. Actors. Entertainers.
Like Michael. A boy who showed the world that age was no match for the passion of music and dance. A boy who grew up into a megastar, climaxing in my world with Thriller. A boy who grew up into one of the sickest, most disgusting, financially irresponsible, pedophile single parents that has ever walked the earth.
Like Mel. A man who exposed to the audience the very essence of a successful male. Good looking, capable of making us laugh, cry, be afraid, or even desire to change the world. A man who has, as of late, exposed a deep love of alcohol that extends above and beyond all of his other traits, and a neat habit of blaming the Jews for everything.
In fact, I could go on. Lord knows these two aren't the only ones. But the truth is it's just quite sad. So many of my heroes have turned out to be paper angels. Folks who, when the camera was finally allowed to see the real person, simply turned out so different from their PR-facing alter egos that the human mind could simply not manage the travesty of it all.
When heroes fall, innocence and hope are not far behind.
--- Dantelope @ at-least-we-have-billy-joel-oh-wait-no-we-dont
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Heavy. Very heavy.
I don't consider MJ or Mel heroes.
But its very hard to be a role model. My nephews and nieces look up to me cause I’m the cool Aunt (or I was before the baby) that went out and partied and has a tattoo, and all that good stuff. I have to remind them that I was 21 before I ever drank (honest to God), and 23 before the tattoo. Sometimes it’s a do as I say not as I do kinda thing. Not that it makes it any better. Now that I have one of my own I really have to watch it. I'm not counting on someone else being a "shining" example for my child.
I don't consider MJ or Mel heroes.
But its very hard to be a role model. My nephews and nieces look up to me cause I’m the cool Aunt (or I was before the baby) that went out and partied and has a tattoo, and all that good stuff. I have to remind them that I was 21 before I ever drank (honest to God), and 23 before the tattoo. Sometimes it’s a do as I say not as I do kinda thing. Not that it makes it any better. Now that I have one of my own I really have to watch it. I'm not counting on someone else being a "shining" example for my child.
Right now First Born idolizes... well... me. So I'm trying hard to be the kind of person and father I'd want him to be.
But pretty soon his attentions will turn to folks outside my realm. I hope they live up to the hype they create.
But pretty soon his attentions will turn to folks outside my realm. I hope they live up to the hype they create.
I am a baaaad girl...now. I WAS super straight in high school. Then I met Mr. Jack Daniels and the rest is history. Did you know he was born here in TN? It's nice to have such fun neighbors.
"Great. Now I'm turned on by the sound of sheep..."
(Awkward silence)Uh...I thought they only did that here in the south, but okay. I think the best thing to do now is move to TN with me and Jack and NEVER speak of this again. : )
I’m starting to think I’m a baaaad influence on you.
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(Awkward silence)Uh...I thought they only did that here in the south, but okay. I think the best thing to do now is move to TN with me and Jack and NEVER speak of this again. : )
I’m starting to think I’m a baaaad influence on you.
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