Saturday, October 14, 2006

Job Hazards

Breathe in. Breathe Out. Repeat as Needed.

My workplace environment could be described as a young, energetic, open, bustling place where fun and pressure collide; where beautiful people, castoffs from the Island of Ugly, and patients of brain enlargement procedures whose surgeon spells "brain" p-h-a-l-l-u-s all come together in a spastic panorama of memory-making moments.

Yes, I currently work for a fairly successful and growing "startup". One with Simpsons pinball, Chai tea, superhero mascots, foosball, and, to naturally complete the image, an office that is the very uber-hip conversion of an old factory building. One of those places.

Now I know what you're thinking. Geez, Dantelope, sounds like you've got it made! Alas, if only this were true. Here are some of the incredible things that actually happened at work over the past month, and believe it or not, none of them happened on the same day.

The price of growth, I suppose. Still, I consider this training for the 10K Flee in Terror Race. Proceeds go to the Improve My Workplace Building Fund.

---- Dantelope @ can-you-hear-me-out-there?

I had a similar job once. They actually removed the asbestos while we slaved away in the same building.

Hey, look... there goes another bag of hazardous material. Why do those guys get special clothing and a separate breathing aparatus? Hmmmm... nevermind I've got important work to do! Nothing will keep me from doing my JOB! It is important! (Take a deep breath, it'll all be over soon.)
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