Thursday, June 22, 2006
An Ode to Number Two

I am, of course, speaking of Number Two. And quite specifically, I am intending to discuss the nature of the difference between the sexes with regards to Number Two.
Let us compare...
Me: planned, 15 minutes average, several chapters of a good book, and in all likelihood, a completed Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle.
TSO: unplanned, typically with a statement like "apparently I am pooping", 2 minutes average, barely enough time to even check for a book.
Me: 817 squares of two-ply and 6 flushes, wasting enough water to fill the shark tank at the local aquarium.
TSO: 6 neatly folded squares of two-ply and 1 flush, barely using enough water to completely soak a dish towel.
Now my wife has certainly learned to be fast because, well, she has to. Trying to perform the Opus Number Two in D Minor while managing two evil midget geniuses in the middle of That Holy Hell That Is Costco At 5PM on a Weekday is no easy feat. But I do not recall a time ever in the 20 years I've known her that she could have been accused of "taking too long" or "using up all the resources". EVER.
Me? Well, I come from a long history of actors who have performed the Number Two Opera on a 30 minute set. My father, The Hyena, was perhaps the master. He could spend hours. I always knew he'd been performing when he would emerge triumphantly from the master bedroom, finished crossword in one hand, completed 800-page mathematics textbook in the other, for no other reason than he had an insideous mark upon his forehead. It's the kind of mark you can only get when you've been leaning too long on your hands in some kind of cramped Cirque de Soleil position upon the Great Ceramic Throne.
My mother? I blinked, I missed. Did you do something? Oh, I smell it... something had to have happened. Never saw a thing.
With the women in my life, it's always clear that something happened. But what happened? Nobody knows. No proof. In. Out. Done. Like a flash of light.
And so, I ask you -- what is it about the two sexes that separates them in their attitude and skills around Number Two? Is there some secret camp in the South where we send our women to learn the Secret Art of Number Two Ninjitsu? Is it Darwinism where men are going to become extinct because, unaware of the impending invasion of vicious Huns, they are killed with their pants around their ankles?
Never before have we asked such hard hitting questions. It's only a matter of time before 20/20 comes calling, I tell you. Eat your heart out, John Stossel!
--- Dantelope @ I'm Number One in the Number Two Business!
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First, I would like to send my condolences to TSO. I am very sure she would not approve of her #2 abilities being explained online.
Second, I am a bit concerned with your fixation on this phenomenon. Everyone knows that women hate all things that stink. So when women are the ones doing the stinkING they are embarrassed and try like hell to reverse it as soon as they can. I am not only speedy, but I am picky. No matter what part of Memphis I am in I know where a good, clean, well-ventilated restroom is. If I were out of town it would not matter cause I just don’t care. (Take that Detroit!)
Third, All this talk of #2 makes me think of #1 (Patrick Stewart) and how much #1 would love my legs! Hmmmmmm....: )
Second, I am a bit concerned with your fixation on this phenomenon. Everyone knows that women hate all things that stink. So when women are the ones doing the stinkING they are embarrassed and try like hell to reverse it as soon as they can. I am not only speedy, but I am picky. No matter what part of Memphis I am in I know where a good, clean, well-ventilated restroom is. If I were out of town it would not matter cause I just don’t care. (Take that Detroit!)
Third, All this talk of #2 makes me think of #1 (Patrick Stewart) and how much #1 would love my legs! Hmmmmmm....: )
Now... I know you girls would love to believe that we believe you don't do it, but we all know it's not true.
Personally, I don't understand how you can hold it inside for so long without rupturing some major organs...
Is there no woman upon this great earth man enough to discuss #2?
I feel like Columbus on uncharted territory...
Personally, I don't understand how you can hold it inside for so long without rupturing some major organs...
Is there no woman upon this great earth man enough to discuss #2?
I feel like Columbus on uncharted territory...
Dan, You've unleashed the #2 inside of me...Take that Barnes and Noble! There is nothing like a good #2 followed up by a Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha. LOL
I have observed this same phenomenon with my husband & me. He takes soooooo long to go #2. It takes me, like, the same time as it takes me to go #1. I can't explain it, and it's not like I have a "technique." It just comes out! With him, he has to sit and wait until the doodie moves into the correct position or something. I don't get it! Maybe this is a universal man/woman thing, but scientists really haven't studied it because, you's #2. I mean, what would the correct forum to present their hypotheses be -- "The American Standard Scientific Journal of Doodie"? haha, "American Standard" -- like the toilet.
It's a joke.
Yes, I am a girl, and I still like doodie jokes. Go figure.
It's a joke.
Yes, I am a girl, and I still like doodie jokes. Go figure.
I want to, but it's kinda hard when your workin 60-70 hours a week...
Ok, that's a lame excuse.
Ok, that's a lame excuse.
Dantelope – I hope this message finds you well. But now for a reality check. For 2.5 months you delved into dreams; provided advise on keeping our cash safe and sound; brought back memories of high school; shared a really bad day; (and then you really started to go downhill with) Dr. Phil; swearing and #2. It can’t be that tough to keep a blog. After all, MB and thousands of other people do it. Some people keep up with daily entries. Some don’t. You didn’t. Dantelope, you disappoint me. I was a fan. We share the same weird sense of humor (for the most part). I enjoyed your writings. Today I’m taking you off my Favorites list. ‘Tis a sad day. But after more than 90 days without a post, you leave me little choice. I’ll still check in once in a while to see if you’ve resurrected this little blog. Hopefully you will. Best of luck to you.
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