Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The Fall of Public Media

Today marks another sad chapter in the spiraling fall of public media. The already ridiculous fine of $32,500 for saying "FUCK" or doing anything "indecent" on the radio or on a public television channel was raised to a mindboggling $325,000 per incident, with a cap of $3 million.
While they (the religious right and the parents with a habit of overanalyzing the impact of a child hearing or seeing something that mommy and daddy will have difficulty explaining) continue to push the government to regulate and restrict our public media, they are unwittingly causing it to fold over and die.
You see, "indecency" is not something easily defined. It is not an absolute and it never will be. While that's easy to undertand when comparing cultures across different countries -- say Japan vs. France vs. the USA -- it's harder for people to comprehend within the confines of their own country.
"Indecency" is typically defined by local communities, which makes the definition more accepted among those who use it. Don't like it... move! But when the FCC gets involved on a more general level and says that if NBC were to air Curb Your Enthusiasm they'd have to pony up $3 million just to get past the censors... well, that's applying one small community's "indecency" to a much larger group of folks, with clearly disturbing results.
So what will happen?
Who wants to risk it? Move everything to cable / satellite. Abandon the public airwaves and leave it up for the religious right and parents who read "Parenting for Dummies" to broadcast shows which so few people will watch that even advertising will also abandon the public airwaves. Then you'll turn to Channel 4 to hear the massive sucking sound and brilliant visuals of history trying to play back the Dark Ages in HDTV.
All the good jockeys and all the good shows and all the good movies will be on satellite radio, cable, or satellite TV. Or the internet on some for-pay-service.
I could wax on about how this would be bad for the nation's poor, but hey, that's the least of your troubles. See... once you're on a private channel... there are no restrictions.
So what do you think that means? MORE SWEARING! MORE NUDITY! MORE SEX! MORE VIOLENCE!
So I raise my glass to you, my peeps, and say "Fuck! It! All!" Way to go. We're going to accomplish what Howard Stern has wet dreams about every single night. And I think it serves us right.
--- Dantelope @ left-left-left-right-left
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I am right there with you. I got my husband Sirius for Christmas so he can continue to "rot his brain" with Mr. Stern. And Mr. Stern, while being completely offensive to the female gender, is an intelligent man. He is upset because when he uses the “appropriate” word for the female parts he gets fined. But when Oprah uses the same word on her show she gets applauded. While I am sure the two were not using the word in the same context… Why should it be an issue? The answer: It shouldn’t. I would like to note here that when my boy gets here (Thassss right it’s a boy!) he will not be allowed to listen to Mr. Stern. EVER!
Congrats to you, Laney!
I applaud Howard for his pushing of the envelope... because it really brings out the ridiculousness of our censorship system.
I'm all for protecting the young from offensive material... but I believe that should be done via information (ratings, for example) and simple hardware (the "off" switch).
I think it's laughable when saying "fuck" on public radio nets you a harsher punishment than being convicted of a DUI.
I applaud Howard for his pushing of the envelope... because it really brings out the ridiculousness of our censorship system.
I'm all for protecting the young from offensive material... but I believe that should be done via information (ratings, for example) and simple hardware (the "off" switch).
I think it's laughable when saying "fuck" on public radio nets you a harsher punishment than being convicted of a DUI.
Ah yes, the off switch! So many of my conservative, bible belt co-inhabitants don’t have one on their electronic devices. It seems that not only are they unable to turn off the TV, radio, or other medium they find offensive, they are also unable to change the station on said medium. Crazy!
They way my mom always kept me from seeing things I wasn’t supposed to see and doing things I wasn’t supposed to do…The Fear of God. Or you could call it the “Wrath of Mom”. It consisted mostly of the evil eye, but sometimes it included spankings. I’m not sure if that will work on the little man though. His dad seems to enjoy that type of punishment...Oops! Please don’t fine me for that!
They way my mom always kept me from seeing things I wasn’t supposed to see and doing things I wasn’t supposed to do…The Fear of God. Or you could call it the “Wrath of Mom”. It consisted mostly of the evil eye, but sometimes it included spankings. I’m not sure if that will work on the little man though. His dad seems to enjoy that type of punishment...Oops! Please don’t fine me for that!
Ahhh c'mon... who would fine the girl with the great legs??
Howard Stern is actually a very good example of what you're talking about.
At least half of his audience hates him. They listen to hear what he's going to say next so they can complain to the FCC about it.
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Howard Stern is actually a very good example of what you're talking about.
At least half of his audience hates him. They listen to hear what he's going to say next so they can complain to the FCC about it.
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