Friday, February 24, 2006

a) I invited you here, proving once again that the power of suggestion overwhelms any sense of decency a person might have;
b) I posted to some other blog or website that you frequent, proving that my scandalous ways and warped mind have created a black hole into which you find yourself unable to escape, or
c) You came here by accident (admit it, you were looking for porn, weren't you?)
However you got here, I'm glad. Counting you, there are exactly 3 people in the entire world who I can count on to tell me I'm an idiot on this blog. Normally, that honor is reserved for people who know me really, really well.
Okay, let's get this out of the way:
dantelope (dan tuh lowp): (n) a 30-something married creature with 2 oh-my-god-my-father-is-insane kids, a seriously twisted mind, and absolutely no ability to prevent inappropriate statements from frothing from its mouth. Not to be confused with the jackalope although in certain instances "horny bunny" might be appropriate.
This blog was born out of my admiration for Mary Beth Ellis of Blonde Champagne fame. If you're unfamiliar with Blonde Champagne, I highly recommend a visit. Mary Beth Ellis is an MSNBC contributor, english professor, and funny as hell. Her writings are top notch. Don't expect that kind of work from me. I'm in Little League still and quite possibly still wearing diapers. Clean diapers, of course.
A big huge thanks to Laney, a frequent Blonde Champagne reader, for suggesting I start my own blog. So don't go blaming me... it's all Laney's fault.
Let the games begin.
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I'm not sure what I expected, but damn, Dan, how do you have so much free time with a TSO and two midgets? I just arrived home from a long weekend away and have loads of laundry to do, mail to sort through, and a child to dunk in the bathtub, however...I knew you'd bring a smile to my face. Thanks. Keep up the blogging. Nice job, Laney.
I was totally looking for porn, but I am honored. The only thing is…no mimes! Ha! I'll be back for more.
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